Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Parmesan Garlic Knots

So... I needed something to go with my BBQ Pork Ribs I made the other day, so I searched through the internet like normal and rummaged through my Pinterest page.  I needed a break component so I thought I'd do something fun and decided on these Parmesan Garlic Knots.

I always have a few different types of biscuits or croissants in my fridge and most all the other ingredients were right on hand, so it was perfect.  (I do admit, I splurged a little and got 'real' Parmesan cheese and not use the plain 'ol "Shaky Cheese" we put on our pizza.)  I looked up a few different recipes for the same thing and they are about 99% the same, so I just chose one and stuck to it.  Here's the link from Picture The Recipe website:

Since two of my boys are small, I split a few of the biscuits in half before rolling them and knotting them.  They seem to eat more if the portions are smaller.... strange, but it works on my bony children.  Hehehe.

I did not tuck in the ends of the knots, as many websites suggested, mostly because I didn't think they looked that bad sticking out.  They were adorable and I liked them.  In the directions, it states you can use butter-flavored spray or melted butter.  Since I had so many things going on at the same time, for this meal, I chose to use the butter-flavored spray.... and it worked just fine.  

I accidentally grated too much cheese into my mixture, so I added a bit more of everything else.... and I'll admit it, there was too much yummy stuff on my knots, but it wasn't overwhelming.  It was still scrumptious!

This was the meal from the other day (check out my recipe for BBQ Pork Ribs).  I also made buttery dill mashed potatoes and bacon green beans.  These green beans are a favorite in my house.... my boys love them and get seconds.  So, just real quick, here's how it goes:

3 cans of cut green beans
1 lb of cooked & crumbled bacon
1-2 lid fulls of lemon juice
Healthy sprinkle of lemon pepper

Once bacon has been cooked & crumbled, I drain the pan & set aside the bacon.  I use that same pan for the beans.  Drain all the green beans and start to heat them through.  Once they begin to warm, add in the crumbled bacon & lemon juice.  When it's almost done, sprinkle on the lemon-pepper and heat through a few more minutes.  It's quick and yummy and even my picky boys love it.  Enjoy!!!

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