Monday, October 22, 2012

Creamy Peanut Butter Topped Brownie

Well... Christopher loves, loves, loves brownies so I am continually trying to find new things to do with them.  Things to add, mix in, top with or things to just completely transform them all together.  Because..... Chris loves brownies and I love Chris.

And.... I love Peanut Butter!  So what could be better than combining brownies and peanut butter??  Yumm!   I looked around and found something similar on Pinterest.  I looked at that recipes and it called for Peanut Butter chips.  I'm not a fan, so I improvised and dabbled to make my own.  However, you want to try the other recipe, here's the link:

However.... here's mine.  Mmm Mmm Mmm.

1) Make your favorite brownie mix like normal.  (Yes, from a box.... why not?)

2) Mix together in a bowl: roughly 2 to 2 1/2 cups of your favorite peanut butter (Jif is awesome, for me!) a whole can of Sweetened Condensed Milk and a few Tbsp of milk.  Use a hand mixer or your arm will get tired very quickly... that peanut butter is thick!  Add in the milk a few Tbsp at a time until it's a nice, spreadable and wonderful creamy consistency.

3)  Once the brownies have cooled slightly, top with PB goo.  The brownies can be a little warm, but if it's too warm then the PB will just slide right off.... no good.

Slice & Eat!

Chris was very happy to get some brownies..... just make sure you have a nice glass of milk to drink with it.  You'll need it!!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shrimp & Crab Bisque

Well, my family and I just got home from a weekend trip and I had decided to google some easy supper recipes.  I was aiming for a fish po boy sandwich, to finally use up that fish in my freezer.  One thing led to another and I was then looking at other sandwiches, then soups that could be a side dish, then I landed on main dish soups.  I had shrimp and crab on hand (admitted, not the BEST crab.  However I usually buy that fake stuff, so I was pretty proud of myself that it was at least real.  lol)  so I thought maybe a bisque would be nice.  I've made one before and it turned out pretty darn good, so thought I'd try another.  

After reading through several different recipes, I've combined enough ingredients and ideas to come up with my 'master plan' for supper.  Here's what I ended up with and it turned out great!!!  

3 Tbs melted butter
3 Tbs flour
1 tsp lemon juice
1 can diced tomatoes (roasted is best, but I had with garlic and onion)
3/4 C sliced celery
1 white onion, diced
1 tsp minced garlic
Salt & Pepper
2 1/2 C half & half
1 C chicken stock (with 3 tsp extra chicken bouillon granules)
1/2 C white wine
1/3 C fresh parsley, chopped
1 lb medium shrimp, de-veined and chopped.  
12 oz  crab meat (I bought something that came out totally mutilated.  When I get it again, I'd get a lump crap or something like that.  Anyhoo.... still real crab and the right flavor, so it's good.)
4-8 slices of cooked bacon, cut into small pieces
5 green onions, chopped fine

1) Make your rue... slowly melt the butter and add in the flower.  Whisking together & add in the lemon juice, then removing from heat. 

2) Add together in a large pot: canned tomatoes (with juices), onion, celery, garlic, salt & pepper.  Cook until warm.... only a few minutes.

3)  Add in some liquids: 1 C of half & half and your 1 C stock with the extra chicken granules.  Keep on medium heat until just bubbly.

 4) Once it's bubbly yummy, add in the rest of the liquids - - 1 1/2 C half & half, 1/2 C white wine.

5) Put all the "meat" in.... your crab and your shrimp, along with the parsley.

 6) Sit until it boils, lower heat and let simmer 25-30 minutes.

 (Yummy picture of all the goodness inside this bisque.... delicious!!)

7) Right before serving - top with the cut green onion tops and as little (or as MUCH) of the bacon as you wish.  (Bacon makes everything better!!)  Even my little, picky boys ate all their supper.  This was so good... I will definitely make it again, only next time with lump crab meat instead of the tiny little bits I grabbed.  Now I know.

I served this bisque with small garlic cheese breads and a small side of lemon-pepper broccoli.  It was so good.  If ya'll try it, let me know how things turn out.  What you added or took out, share!! 


Monday, October 15, 2012

Wonderful Holiday Smell

Ok.... so this isn't really an edible recipe, but it includes such things, so I'm going to share it.  I saw (on pinterest.... shocker) many different things to put on your stove just to make your house smell wonderful.  I've combined a few and came up with a wonderful smelling concoction.

2 whole oranges, quartered
6 long cinnamon sticks
small handful of whole cloves
sprinkle of nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 C maple syrup
large handful of cranberries
4 candy canes, snapped in half

1) Put it all in a pot, add a bit of water (about 1/3 cup or so) and set on low.... for a very long time.  Make sure to maintain some water in it, so it doesn't scorch anything.  (No... bad smell!)  And that's it!!

This mixture is good for about a week.  The smells still work that long, however the mixture starts to look pretty icky... no more wonderful Christmas'y colors or bright hues.  Kind of a brown, mush mess.... but smells great!  Just make sure to add water before you start a new day.  The websites I read say you can keep it good for a couple weeks.  I'm not sure I would let it linger that long, a week was sufficient for us.

My kids loved the smell and commented on it all the time.  (Note: I didn't have cranberries until the second day.... so I added them in then.  I noticed only a slight difference in smell, however it greatly improved the look.)  Obviously you can add or subtract what you wish.  Try it.  It's awesome!!

This will make you want to cozy up with a nice sweater, slippers and a Nicholas Sparks book.  Yessss!!!

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Lemon-Raspberry Cake

I always tend to have interesting things on hand and I was in the mood to make something sweet today.  I put together these things (after sending my husband to the store for fresh raspberries, of course.  Who honestly has THOSE on hand??)  Then I just started making......  
Lemon-Raspberry Cake

Boxed lemon cake
Favorite cream cheese frosting
Raspberry pie filling
Raspberry Jello
3 C Whipped Cream
Fresh Raspberries

Make lemon cake according to directions... let cool.

Once cooled - room temperature, use a plain 'ol butter knife and make many, many slits in the cake.  I went one direction over the whole cake, then made X's, going the other directions.  Doesn't really matter how you do it... just make a lot of slits.  

Make the raspberry jello according to directions, but only use 1/2 as much boiled water and 1/2 much cold water.  Let it sit on the counter until needed - - which is now.  Take a large spoon and 'pour' over the cake, making sure to cover the entire cake and drip a little down the sides.  I had a little left over, but you can use it all if you wish.  


Slather a nice, thin layer of the raspberry pie filling on top of the cake.  I didn't want too much, because the combination is already pretty tart, but it's all there if you want to use it all.  

Mix together the whole container of cream cheese frosting (I don't recommend the specific kind that I bought, Pillsbury Whipped Supreme.  For some reason it was sort of bitter and tasted like funny powdered sugar.  Nonetheless....) mix it with about 3 cups (or a whole, small container) of cool whip and about 3 tbsp of milk.  Should come out light, creamy and easy to spread.  Carefully smother the top of the cake with your new frosting.  Use a light touch, though, or you'll end up 'dragging' the pie filling into the frosting, then it'll be pink and smeary and not look cute at all.  

Complete with a layer of fresh raspberries on top and slightly push down, into the frosting.  Just so they are 'secured' a bit.  Let it all cool some more, settle into each other and wait.  Just wait.... 

Then cut out a piece and enjoy.
It was tart and sweet and oh so yummy!!! 


Greek Adventure #1: Pastitsio

Good Evening Everyone!!

After watching a few cooking shows on the Food Network, I've had a deep urge to research and make some Greek meals.  I don't know much about Greek fares, other than the little bit shown on My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  (I LOVE that movie!!)  To me, they like olives, yogurt and Feta cheese.... but that's the extent of my knowledge.  Until today.  I had (successfully) made Pastitsio for my family.  After looking through many, many recipes online that show many similarities, only a few differences, here is what my final product consists of.  

(Meat Sauce):
1 1/2 - 2 lbs ground beef (many recipes suggested the use of lamb or combination of the two.  I had wanted to do that, but apparently my little grocery store is having problems getting ground lamb.  Ho hum.)
2 cloves finely diced garlic
1 lg yellow onion, chopped
1 C finely diced black olives
1 can of diced tomatoes (fresh tomatoes are always preferred, but I was too tired, today)
3 Tbsp tomato puree
2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cloves
olive oil
S & P to taste

1 lb Penne pasta
1/2 C milk
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 C grated Parmesan Cheese
olive oil

(Bechamel Sauce):
4 C milk
1 C butter
1/2 C flour
S & P, to taste
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese

1) Make the meat sauce first - brown your ground beef (or combination meats) in a sauce pan with a little olive oil, add S&P to taste. 

**Note: See my fish spoon-rest?  It's handmade by my oldest son,
when he was in the 4th grade.  I love it!! 

2) Ooops!  I was supposed to caramelize the onions in the pan with olive oil FIRST, THEN add the meats and brown.  I, however, was too eager with the beef.... so I added in the onions soon after.  My bad.  

3)  When the meat is almost browned to perfection, add in everything else... spices, olives and tomatoes.  Cook and let simmer until the juices are almost gone.  

4)  Bechamel Sauce - Start with warming up the milk on the stove.  Make sure you keep it on low until the milk is heated up.  I had it too high and got a sugary, brown film stuck to the bottom of my brand new pot.  Strange, I know... but learned something new today.  hm.  

5)  Melt the butter in the microwave (or on the stove, if you wish.... I was running out of stove-top space, so microwave it was!)  Once melted, whisk in the flour until fully incorporated.... ie: no clumps.  

6) Stir together with the milk and add in the eggs, cheese and spices.  Continue to stir until it's heated through and well mixed.  It was suggested that it be kept warm until you need it for the assembly, I did not do this.  It got very thick and hard to spread on later, so keeping it warm would have been wise.  =)

7) Pasta:  Boil your pasta in salty water until just before el-dente.  Drain and toss with a little olive oil.  (Hint: I tossed it with the oil while still in the strainer in the sink, that way it didn't accumulate puddles of oil in my pot and make my pasta greasy.)  Let cool.  

8)  Mix together the beaten eggs, pasta, milk, cheese. 

8) ASSEMBLY: Lightly 'grease' your dish.  I had planned on using my glass cake pan, but then decided to make cake so then used my casserole dish.  I put a thin layer of butter on the bottom & sides, you can use cooking spray if you wish, or melted butter, I suppose.  
      * Bottom layer: 1/3 - 1/2 of your pasta mixture
      * Next layer: All your meat mixture.  (If it's still juicy, try to spoon out the excess before layering)

      * Third layer: Rest of the pasta

      * Pour your Bechamel sauce over the top.  These measurements made quite a bit of sauce, I did not use it all.  About 1/3 of the sauce was unused.  (The final outcome had just the right amount of sauce for us, but everyone is different)

9) Bake at 350' for 30 - 40 min

10) Sprinkle more cheese on top, if desired.  We desired, so I sprinkled.  1/2 C Parmesan and 1/2 Mozerella (for the melting factor... yumm!!)  

11) Put back in oven and bake for another 15 min or so.  I left mine in a little too long, around 30 min and it came out a bit black.  However, it didn't taste burnt.... just looked kind of scary.   

12)  Once out of the oven... let sit for 20 - 30 minutes.  I've read in every recipe that Pastitsio is meant to be eaten at room temperature.  Plus, if you don't let it sit, then it'll end up as a soupy mess.  It needs to sit... so let it sit.  Then... slice, serve and enjoy.  

Strange enough - ALL my little boys ate this and husband really liked it, too.  They asked if I could make it again and were eager to see there were plenty of leftovers.  Hope it turns out well for you, too!!!     

Friday, October 05, 2012

Oh, Paula. Glazed Burger Beast!

So... I'm watching the Food Network channel like I do everyday.  I go back and forth sometimes, just to see what they're cooking and if it makes me hungry.  I stopped on Paula Deen's show today.  It caught my attention and looked absolutely yummy and absolutely horrific all at the same time. 

I wasn't sure if she was suggesting we actually make something like this and then actually eat it, or if it was a segment on what not to eat, so that her viewers can maintain their healthy lifestyle.  Then it occurred to me... well, it's Paula Deen.  The most beautiful, blue-eyed, southern momma on the Food Network channel.  However, anyone that keeps up with controversies in the news will know Paula Deen is not known for her healthy recipes.... only known for her scrumptious, decadent, gravy-smothered, butter-soaked combinations of southern goodness.  

Apparently her ladies were going to get together for a brunch and she needed to make a delicious burger.  So she came up with this - - bacon.  Eggs.  Burger.  And Glazed Doughnuts.  Yup.  YUP!

Online - there's enough controversy surrounding their burger to make you want to try it, just to spite all the health-freaks out there that enjoy blaming poor Momma Deen for how chubby America has gotten.  It's not her fault.  I can watch a million different cooking shows, each making my mouth water and I still have the ability to decide which recipe I'm going to try and which I'm going to enjoy from afar.  Far far afar.  

The blue-eyed beauty tempts me once again, with a burger on a glazed 'bun'.... but I, myself, have a weight problem and know this would clog my arteries and get stuck in my ass.  No one is making you eat this, just because Paula Deen made it on her show or fed it to her brunching ladies.  I'm sharing this with ya'll... cuz it looks SO yummy but does, actually, look like death on a plate.  

Want to see the show yourself?? 

If you try it and it's yummy.... let me know.
No judgement from me.

Burrr... It's Cold. Let's try some warm Raspberry Coffee

Finally... South Dakota is starting to feel like... well, South Dakota.  It was actually 80' the other day which is not normal for us!  But I wake up this morning and am actually a bit chilly and I smile.  I feel good.  I am totally in love with the fall and this morning was just perfect with the sharp breeze and the crunchy leaves.  I love it.  I decide to make a nice, warm cup of coffee while my youngest eats breakfast.  Warm Raspberry Coffee. 

My totally awesome Grandma had given me a gift last winter of a water heater.  No... not the normal type of water heater, it's for the kitchen.  Looks like a normal, plastic pitcher.  You plug it in, fill it with as much water as you need & turn it on.  It boils your water in just a few minutes.  (Great for instant mac 'n cheese, Ramen noodles, oatmeal or any type of hot drink.)  I looked it up online and they call it an Electric Kettle from Rival.  This is what it looks like.  

Anyway....  So we don't drink enough coffee in my house to warrant a coffee maker, so I do instant.  Oooh... I know.  But I don't mind.  I play around with the different things you can do to it, and so far this is my favorite!! 

Cold Milk
Hot cocoa mix/powder
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Torani Raspberry Syrup
Strong Coffee

1) Fill your mug about 1/3 full with cold milk
2) Mix in 1/2 small spoon of hot cocoa mix, 1 full spoon of sweetened condensed milk and 1 to 2 spoonfuls of Torani Raspberry flavor syrup.  The amount depends on how strong you want the flavor.  (I have some syrup leftover from my Italian Sodas I made awhile back.)
3) Mix well in the mug then add in your strong coffee you just made with the awesome water heater thingy.  Mix it all together real well and consume on a nice, chilly morning while you're adorable boy eats breakfast.

To add to the feeling of the day, I decided to put out my new Goodwill find: Ghost Candle Holder.  It was only $.50 and I love it.  Add a candle glow and ooooh, it's awesome.

Enjoy the cold weather....  Fall is awesome!

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Parmesan Garlic Knots

So... I needed something to go with my BBQ Pork Ribs I made the other day, so I searched through the internet like normal and rummaged through my Pinterest page.  I needed a break component so I thought I'd do something fun and decided on these Parmesan Garlic Knots.

I always have a few different types of biscuits or croissants in my fridge and most all the other ingredients were right on hand, so it was perfect.  (I do admit, I splurged a little and got 'real' Parmesan cheese and not use the plain 'ol "Shaky Cheese" we put on our pizza.)  I looked up a few different recipes for the same thing and they are about 99% the same, so I just chose one and stuck to it.  Here's the link from Picture The Recipe website:

Since two of my boys are small, I split a few of the biscuits in half before rolling them and knotting them.  They seem to eat more if the portions are smaller.... strange, but it works on my bony children.  Hehehe.

I did not tuck in the ends of the knots, as many websites suggested, mostly because I didn't think they looked that bad sticking out.  They were adorable and I liked them.  In the directions, it states you can use butter-flavored spray or melted butter.  Since I had so many things going on at the same time, for this meal, I chose to use the butter-flavored spray.... and it worked just fine.  

I accidentally grated too much cheese into my mixture, so I added a bit more of everything else.... and I'll admit it, there was too much yummy stuff on my knots, but it wasn't overwhelming.  It was still scrumptious!

This was the meal from the other day (check out my recipe for BBQ Pork Ribs).  I also made buttery dill mashed potatoes and bacon green beans.  These green beans are a favorite in my house.... my boys love them and get seconds.  So, just real quick, here's how it goes:

3 cans of cut green beans
1 lb of cooked & crumbled bacon
1-2 lid fulls of lemon juice
Healthy sprinkle of lemon pepper

Once bacon has been cooked & crumbled, I drain the pan & set aside the bacon.  I use that same pan for the beans.  Drain all the green beans and start to heat them through.  Once they begin to warm, add in the crumbled bacon & lemon juice.  When it's almost done, sprinkle on the lemon-pepper and heat through a few more minutes.  It's quick and yummy and even my picky boys love it.  Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Slow Cooker BBQ Pork Ribs

Hey there!!

It's been harder & harder for me to plan ahead, lately, but I actually DID thaw out my boneless ribs so I could make them today.  I was excited like a child waking up on Christmas morning, knowing I get to cook my ribs today.  Is that silly?  Oh, I don't care!

Once again, I do what I always do - - I search and search and take information from a handful of different recipes and make up my own.  Here's how it went.... 

(Roughly) 3 lbs of boneless pork ribs
1 large white onion, big chunks
1C water
Chicken bouillon powder (enough for 1 1/2 cups of 'stock')
Garlic powder
Cumin (I love this stuff!!!)
Mesquite seasoning
(small dash) of cinnamon
1/2 C white wine
Bay leaves
1 lg bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce (or your favorite)
1/2 C brown sugar
1/2 C applesauce (I used my homemade apple butter, but -of course- did not write down the recipe. Ugh)
Liquid smoke
Hot sauce or spicy bbq sauce (just a bit - to add a tad of Ooomph to it)

1) Spray the inside of your crock-pot with cooking spray.  I found this tip in one of the many recipes and it just made sense.  I've never done it before, but not sure why.  Chop the onion into big chunks and cover whole bottom with it.  

2) Mix together the 1 C water and the next 7 ingredients in a cup & pour half of it over the onions.  Layer in all the boneless ribs and pour the rest of the mixture over top.

3) Sprinkle the brown sugar and applesauce/apple butter on top of the pork.  Put the crock-pot on High/6 hours, put the lid on it and walk away for awhile.  

4) After it cooks a little over an hour, I checked on it to see how it's coming.  The house is already starting to smell pretty good.  I stirred it a bit, moved some things around, re-covered it and let it go some more.

5) After another hour, I came back.  The ribs are starting to look tender, now, which is good.  I mixed into the juices about 1/2 C of the BBQ sauce I am going to use.  Moved the ribs around a bit with some tongs, re-covered then walked away, once more.

6)  Once they have been cooking for about 3 hours, I came back and they looked juicy and smelled delicious!!!

Still 6) I took out most of the liquid & discarded it.  I reserved a small amount (about 1/2 C or so) in a small bowl and mixed in the rest of the BBQ sauce.  Add in the liquid smoke & a few small squirts of the spicy BBQ sauce, to give it a bit of a kick.  Poured it all on top of the ribs (which are starting to fall apart now, yummy!!) lowered the temp to Low/10 hours, re-covered again and walked away.

7)  1 hour later the ribs were awesome and ready to be matched up with yummy sides and devoured.  My meal consisted of the BBQ Ribs, Buttery Dill Mashed Potatoes, Bacon & Green Beans and Parmesan Garlic Biscuit Knots (will post that recipe separately)  YUM!!