Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rhubarb Custard Cake

I have about eight mounds of rhubarb in my garden (which is otherwise pretty scarce due to the horrible weather here in South Dakota!) and I've noticed it's screaming at me to be picked.  I went out and got a little over 10 cups of rhubarb picked.... still leaving much more to enjoy later!  (I'm a newbie when it comes to growing/picking rhubarb... these just happen to come with the house we've recently moved into.  Yay me!)

So I decided to spend quite a while on Pinterest with a specific search in mind - this time.  Rhubarb recipes!!  I could make the same 'ol cake I already know how to make, but I thought I'd change things up a bit, since I know I'll have more opportunities to make wonderfulness later.  I came across this wonderful custard type cake.... made a few alterations and it turned out amazing!!! 

1 box cake mix - vanilla flavor (and all necessary items to make cake)
sprinkles of nutmeg
roughly 3 C of chopped rhubarb
1 1/2 C sugar 
2 C of vanilla coffee creamer

1) Make cake according to instructions and sprinkle a bit of nutmeg into the batter.  

2) Pour into greased cake pan... I wanted them to be more bar-ish than thick cake-ish, so I split my batter into a normal sized cake pan and a smaller size brownie pan.  That way, I would have more rhubarb-to-cake ratio - - tartness is wonderful!

3) Mix together the chopped rhubarb and all the sugar.... let sit for a moment, then pour over the batter.  Do not mix or stir into the batter.  Just plop it on top.

4)  Carefully pour the creamer on top of the rhubarb.  Again, do not mix or stir... just let it sit.

5)  Bake 'cake' according to the box instructions... when a toothpick comes out clean, it's done, like always.  

** The rhubarb and cream will form a custard-like yumminess and sink to the bottom... the cake bakes to the top and comes away from the sides of the pan.  So don't expect it to look exactly like your normal cake will, when it comes out of the oven.  

My boys ate this up!!  It's not too sweet or sugary like some desserts turn out to be - - and the rhubarb gives it just enough tartness to make you happy!!  


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