Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Birthday - Red Velvet & Cheesecake Cake

Hey everyone!  Today is my husbands birthday and he loves Red Velvet Cake.  I don't know why, I don't see the appeal, it's very bitter and blah to me, but he loves it.  So.... I thought I'd mix his favorite and MY favorite (cheesecake) and see how things turn out.

I searched the internet for awhile and found many recipes but I mostly stuck to just one.  I used this cake recipe AND cheesecake recipe.  For ingredients and instructions - check this out: 

I have made many, many different types of cream cheese frosting on my own and I always taste the powdered sugar.  I am MUCH better at just adding yummies to already made frosting, if needed.  So for this cake, I just used store bought, creamy cream cheese frosting.

I bought a spring form pan (finally) just for this project and was super excited to use it.  I can't believe how much easier everything was and even more fun!!  Can you believe it?  It made cooking more fun.... no, BAKING!  I hate baking, to be honest and now it's fun.  LOVE my spring form pan!  I used it on all three layers... the 2 with Red Velvet and 1 Cheesecake.

May I mention - - do you have ANY idea how much 2oz of food coloring is?  I thought I'd be fine with my normal red that comes in the 4 pack, it was full, I'd be good.  Right?  Nah... that's only 0.3oz.  What the hey?  I had to make an extra run to the store (across the street.... lol) to get two large bottles, 1oz each, of red food coloring.  Holy cow - that's a lot!  My hands look as thought I had a bloody run in with an intruder. Luckily I changed my shirt before I started.  Anyhoo - enough on that.

I'm not a layer person.... (remember the orange layered cake - Jan '12??) .... but I followed these instructions to a T and it turned out great.  I'm proud.  I had to trim a little bit around the edges, but all 3 layers stuck together and were completely servable and edible.  Yay!!  Success!!  (Now, the visual appearance of the outside was not so fancy, but I hid most of that with pretty red sprinkles!!)  

This cake was a bit rich for the little ones - I just ate the middle cheesecake layer.  However, the birthday boy enjoyed it.  Hope he plans on eating the rest.  xoxo

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