Thursday, August 02, 2012

Peachy Breakfast Bread Pudding

How about breakfast?  Rarely do I chose to wake up before the sun, on the rare occasion that happens, I apologize to anyone who crosses my path.  I'm a bear in the morning, specially without something sweet and some caffeine.  I do actually make breakfast type foods, yet it's usually for a "special breakfast-supper" that my kids love.  However, I decided to make a nice breakfast before my husband Chris went to work.... yet this one I needed to start the night before.

I've had random recipe cards floating around my cookbooks and this one just appealed to me.  Of course, I follow directions but I tend to add things and change things here & there.  Originally this was a recipe on a Pillsbury card, but I've adapted it, as follows....

7 C cubed bread (cinnamon swirl bread was requested, but I didn't have it, I just added a bit more cinnamon later.  Fixed!)
8 eggs
2 C milk
1 1/2 C peach juice (from the can)
1 lg can (30oz or so?) of peaches (I had halved peaches, sliced them thinly)
1 C maple syrup

1) Grease 13x9 glass baking dish with butter or cooking spray.  Spread 1/2 the bread crumbs evenly.  Spread the next layer with all the peaches then top with the rest of the bread squares.

2) In a large bowl, beat eggs, milk, 1/2 C of the peach juice, cinnamon and nutmeg until well combined.  Pour over bread.  Cover: refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight.

3) Heat oven to 350'.  Uncover baking dish.  Bake 45-50 minutes or until set and top is golden brown.  Cut into squares.  

4) Mix together the 1C of syrup and 1C of peach juice until fully mixed together.  Top each square with syrup mixture and enjoy!!  

This turned out so good, my picky-morning-eaters even ate it..... and wanted more!  It's warming and comforting and couldn't have went over better on such a dreary, rainy, chilly morning.  (Plus, I got a nap later, so I wasn't such a grumpy goose all day, either!!)  

The original recipe did not call for any peaches... it was just cinnamon bread & syrup for flavor.  My family loves fruit, so I thought it'd be great to add it in there.  It was.

Well played, me... well played.

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