Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New York Cheesecake

I LOVE cheesecake!  It MAY be my very favorite type of dessert.... at the moment.  I'm sure once I try another totally yummy sugary dessert, that one will be my favorite, but for now... it's cheesecake.  My husband Chris, who always thinks about me, picked me up a Desserts cookbook at TJMaxx on sale one day and I immediately fell in love with it.  Why?  Because it's cover is bright red strawberries and has a bit of padding on it... as a book, in general, it's very appealing.  When I finger through the recipes - there is a variety of yum's.  From delicate to homey, from hard to oh-so-easy.  I love this book and made a vow to myself to make more and more from it.

I've made this cheesecake for my family so many times, but we tend to eat it so quickly I never remember to take a picture.  Once I do - I'll post my own, instead of using this generic (yet still scrumptious-looking) picture I got from google.  So... before I continue to repeat myself with how incredible this certain cheesecake is... let me share the recipe: 

6 tbsp butter
7 oz graham crackers, crushed
sunflower oil (for brushing)  (Any sort of oil will work, really)
1 3/4 C cream cheese
2 large eggs
3/4 C superfine sugar (I've used regular sugar & sugar that I've put through a grinder, it all works...)
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 C sour cream

1) Melt the butter in a pan over low heat.  Stir the crackers, then spread in an 8 in springform pan brushed with oil.  (I used a plain 8in pie pan, works just fine!)  Place the cream cheese, eggs, 2/3 of the sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract in a food processor.  Process until smooth.  

2)Pour over the cracker base and smooth the top.  (I shake it gently side to side to smooth the top, works wonderful!)  **Depending on the topping I'll make for this, I tend to add a little bits of shaved lemon rind onto the crust before I put the cream cheese layer on... it's all on taste.  Play with it, that's the fun of cooking! ** 

3)Place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven, 375' for 20 min until set.  Remove from oven and leave for 20 to cool.... leave the oven switched on!

4) Mix the sour cream with the remaining sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl.  Spoon over the cheesecake.  Return to the oven for 10 minutes, let cool, then chill in the refrigerator for 8 hours or until set.

The finished cheesecake will show you two obvious layers and it's SO delicious!!  Top with any fruit topping of your choice... go wild, keep it simple or just eat it plain... it's that good! 

 Here's the cover of the book - in case you want to look for it.  Mine automatically opens to the cheesecake on page 190 because that's the most used recipe in the book!

Love the yum!!

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